My Other Blogs
sadly most of them are almost suspended as of now, please excuse me, better still, if you want to contribute in them, drop in a word at subiet dot rastogi at gmail dot com
This blog is Satirical and Humourous take on things that i observer or experience in my life, along these lines you may also see a few practical tips to make your life a little smoother.
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11:53 AM
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12:11 AM
I recently had to go to a cobbler, as my shoe's sole broke while i was going somewhere, so after asking directions from someone for a nearby cobbler, i managed to hop till there, unfortunately there were quite a few 'babus' already present over there for boot-polish, and i was getting late already. Then the old man (the cobbler), looked up while sipping his tea, and asked "kya hua?" (what happened?), i replied casually, "koi bat nahi, baba, pehle chai peelo, phir dekh lena". He smiled back at me, finished his tea, and then ignored all those babus who waiting for boot-polish, repaired my shoe very quickly and skillfully and withing 2 mins i was back on road.
Moral of the story: Respect the chai.. ;-")
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9:36 PM
You are on a two wheeler, stuck behind a car in a narrow lane, and you are getting late.
You notice that there is big "L" (learner) sign in red color, on the car, and apparently it is for the driver itself, and unfortunately the driver isn't aware of the reverse gear in car
The driver is a woman, no offence. I believe in 9 out 10 things women are better than men, but then driving, they need some serious help.
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2:07 AM
A little off-topic, but then too important to be just left away, more so considering the fact that i am not a fan of ferrari at all and schumacher was a brilliant racer for me and not a brilliant sportsman, but still it would be foolishness to not recognize his accomplishments.
back when i just started running on my own (1991), there was a man in the paddocks, an unknown name then (which is hard to imagine), looking to race the zenith of perfection (formula 1 race car) for the first time in his career, a career, in which he almost became synonymous with scuderia ferrarri and to some extent formula 1, a feat which has been repeated only twice in the history (mansell and senna).
It takes the balls of the size of a durian fruit, to leave an established team (benetton) to join a team whose last championship was 2 decades back (ferrari), but the man did exactly that in the mid ninties.
The benetton driving schumi showed us the sportsman he was, who was, unfortunately killed in his ferrari days to accommodate a pure racer, but a genius none the less. Had he not walked the limits of moral values and fell on the wrong side so often in the recent past, he would have easily been regarded as the greatest sportsman the world has ever seen anywhere and not just in f1.
When you are past 35, and with just 3 races remaining in your last season, you are just 2 points away from the lead, it clearly shows that you are a man possessed. Possessed with skills to entertain and amaze humanity for ever.
There are few rows in the Record book register, that this man can't claim to have ruled at one point or another. He is to Formula 1 what maradona is to football, a genius of the game while also being the most controversial player at the same time. He is the same man who has given the sport some of the most beautiful and shamefull moments in it's history.
No words can possibly do justice to his skills (He wasn't called a rain-God for no reason), Like him or not, he will always remain one of the most important player in the logbooks of this game.
I salute you Mr. Schumi.
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12:31 PM
This lesson may sound a little strange coming from a person who is in a age group, where people think that problems arising due to postural defects are myths. But then seriously guys, your back is far more important than that bloody 12 hour LAN party, or that 8 hour programming schedule, or that 3hour movie you watched lying on the couch in a weird posture, or that night before the exam you slept on the chair while studying, or that ride you took on your automobile with a broken shock absorber, or that 2 hour basket ball daily regime for four years.
Take care guys, and especially take care of your back, it might not just serve you forever, and when it starts giving you trouble, boy you are seriously in deep shit.
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9:09 AM
Labels: body
StumbleUpon is a web service which allows you to browse through webpages, that have been marked as worth a visit by fellow users, something like the service.
Now comes my warning, it is short but not sweet:
Do not touch (click) the stumble button till you got loads of time to spare or you possess an iron will power. It is simply addictive, i just couldn't resist myself from going to one more page related to programming/tech/humor.
Try it at your own risk. ^|^
fortunately, i learnt this lesson long back.
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4:27 AM
Never, ever, in your life, apply the laws of motion/logic/time-management to estimate the time that a Baraat (A procession, which is a part of "The Great Indian Marriage") will take to travel the 100 meters that it need to cover to reach the reception area. And for heaven's sake, even if you are blessed with the lowest level of IQ possible, please do not estimate that time in minutes.
It requires extraordinary patience for the procession to cover those few meters in a time span of atleast an hour and half. Here i am making an important assumption that people who are dancing in that procession, are not drunk out of their sense, in which case, you can safely extent that time span by another 40 minutes.
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4:14 AM
Labels: Indian Traditions, Time
Well, I am Nishith (Subiet) Rastogi, I techie at heart, but wait this blog isn't about tech at all, rather it is as far away from it as possible. But being a techie gives me the liberty to be a socially retarded and take the corner view of the world, from where i observe things from a 3rd person's perspective and probably from an area located 2 feet above my heart, instead of the heart itself. So here i will be thinking aloud all my observations and experiences. Exaggeration may be used often for comic relief.
I also disclaim over here that this blog should not be read for some serious advice on life as the title may suggest, but just to have a few light moments in a day, and probably have some food for thought.
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9:46 AM